A is for athletic. I am a very athletic person. I play volleyball, softball, cheer, and gymanastics. I love all four!
B is for boisterous. I am a very outspoken person. I lovet o take the attention in the room and throw it my way. I'm not really scared to speak mind or tell the truth.
C is for creative. I love to decorate and create things. I can design anything from clothes to rooms to pictures. I mostly love to draw word art.
D is for dancer. When I was younger I used to take dance class and i loved it. I am a pretty good dancer if I do say so myself and I would like to take classes again.
E is for entertaining. I like to entertain people no matter how I do it. If it be dancing, singing, or just being myself.
F is for funny. I try to be as funny as bossible. I am very sarcastic. I have a dry sense on humor and I have been told I am very witty.
G is for greatful. I feel lucky for what I ahve and where I live. I see things like invisible children and know that I have it good. I think of those people and think to myself anf think that I will never complain again and I try not to.
H is for hunter. Hunter is my last name so I like to represent., I don't like to hunt animals what so ever.I don't think it's nice but like me last name.
I is for ice cream. IS TO DIE FOR! Cookie dough is the bomb and I could live off of it.
J is for jumpy. People can scare me easily. I am very cautous but that doesn't matter. People find a way to be clever and sneaky and scare the crap out of me. So now I am a jumpy person.
K is for Kyla.I think my name describes me. It's unique but wierd. I love my name though and wouldn't want any other one.
L is for loquacious. I can talk up a storm. I will talk at the most random things at the most random times. I can start a conversation with anyone.
M is for moody. It's not a good quality but I do have to admit, I am a moody person. So don't catch me on my bad days or you won't like me.
N is for nosy. I have a tendancy to get into people's business. I don't like that trait so much either.
O is for optomostic. I try my hardest to lookk on the bright side of things. I sometimes say stop thinking positively and start thinking realisticly. That's starting to change though.
P is for particular. I have to have things a certain way. For example I always have to have someone walking on my left side. It's just a weird thing I don't know?!?!?! haha
Q is for qualmish. I can be very qualmish. I am pretty qualmish towards blood. It just frightens me and grosses me out at the same time.
R is for reasonable. I am a very reasonable person. I can agree with anyone and I can find a way to meet in the middle with people.
S is for sensative. I cry at just about anything and sometimes take things personally.
T is for tall. I have always been tall for my age. Currently I am 5'9 and I am 14.
U is for unique. I am unique in every way. I like different food, clothes, music, and stores than other people do. My mom always says I have a different look to me. She says I have a unique look to me.
V is for versatile. I can easily multitask. I can do about 5 things at once. I get it from my mother!=]
W is whimsical. I am a happy person. I am full of spirit and make a bad situaton into a good one.
X is for ...nothing. I can't really think of anything so forget x!
Y is for yellow. Yellow is a pretty cool color. It represents happiness and so its one of my favorite color.
Z is for zealous. I am just a jealous person and there's nothing else to it.