Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where Does The Time Go?
As I awoke to sound of my alarm, I realized today is the start of a whole new beginning. I lie in my bed for a few more moments hopping to soon realize that I was dreaming but I finally got up ready to face reality. I dressed myself about 20 times and did my hair God knows how many times before I was ready to go. ” Oh wait,” I thought to myself I need to eat. I wandered into the kitchen and rummaged through the kitchen pantry. I quickly grabbed a cereal bar and my tote bag.
“Kyllllaaa” I turned just before I stepped out the door and a bright light filled the room. Of course being the women that my mother is, she had to take a picture. “Goodbye mom” I said as she kissed me on the forehead. When I arrived to the bus stop I saw about 12 other kids there and none of them looked familiar. I was wishing for the bus to come and as it pulled up, my heart started racing as if I had just ran a mile. I stepped on the bus and I thought I dare try and look for a seat.
So I sat in the first available seat I was thinking to myself as the bus came near Stevenson, “it only seems like it was just yesterday that I was starting first grade.” We pulled up to Stevenson and the stranger next to me got up as I did. I hopped of the bus and my heart sank to my stomach like an anchor in an ocean. I walked up to Stevenson and as I entered the side I said to myself; “wow, where does the time go?”


  1. Kyla, good paper. I really enjoyed it. I felt the same exact way. I suppose a handful of people feel the same way as you and I.

  2. I liked your paper Kyla, and how you described how fast time goes by.

  3. Wow, Kyla. that pretty deep. There are a few grammatical errors, but...
    that is amazing. really.

  4. Then you walked to your first hour and started the day off sitting next to the best person ever, and you would not want to start it any other way, right? I know I wouldn't. good paper!!
