I know I already wrote about my first day of Stevenson and what I thought of it, but I felt I had more to say as the year went on. First off, all I can say is DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA!!!! I hate that the most. There is drama over absolutely nothing and i am so tired of it. There's good parts too. Like games, guys, friends, new people, dances, clubs, activities, and new experiences. I love those parts.
There's aslo the homework, tests, quizes, papers, and people in high school that don't fit in any of the good categories. Currently, I already have some haters and some amazing friends. I also have a boyfriend and he is my homecoming date(which I am so excited for!) Did I forget sports? I love me some sports.
I am such a jock=]! I play volleyball, cheer, gymnastics, and softball. My favorite sport is volleyball and I am currently playing it. I am on freshman because I haven't played for at least two years. I am a front middle and I love it.
We actually have an 11 hour tournament tomorrow at Ladywood High School and I am so psyched. Then there's softball. It not my best sport, but once I am in the zone, I am a B.E.A.S.T. BEAST. I love gymnastics soo much and if I was a short little monster, I could be amazing. All I have to think is mind over matter which is my problem. Cheer; there is not much to say about it but it is a good thing to keep you in shape.
Well, back on the whole school topic. I think that as the Stevenson years go on, they will hopefully get better. But for now, I will live and learn from my mistakes and not let the past determine my future. Let me know what you think by leaving some comments. Thankss!!!! xoxo, Kyla Christine=)
cuteeee((: i like it, especailly the drama partt.! ha
ReplyDeleteSo much DRAMA is right! God, I hate it too.