H1N1, swine flu, deadly disease, either way you put it, it is still a horrible, nasty thing. What is it you ask? It is a highly contagious form of influenza caused by infection with a filterable virus first isolated from swine. In other words, wash your hands and stay clear of people who have it. This disease/flu is worldwide (not good.) Now there is something new for it. There are some vaccines and things of that sort to help with the swine flu. To keep yourself safe well as your family safe. Last but not least I can also think of the shots. I hate shots or sharp objects in general (I could never get a shot even if it's for swine flu!) As you can see, there are many more ways to treat the H1N1. Back to the swine flu suit; the suit is covered with titanium dioxide which is a chemical used in toothpaste and make ups or lotions and such. This chemical breaks down when coming in contact with light and supposedly kills the virus upon contact. Isn't that sweet?!?!?! www.news.cnet.com is the website if you want to check it out. It looks just like a business suit that you can wear any day of the week to any formal party or event. The nasal spray would personally be my second choice for swine flu safety. Then again, people have died from getting the nasal spray so I would not take my chances. “What is the difference between the nasal spray and the injectable vaccine for H1N1, or swine flu? Just as there are two forms of seasonal influenza vaccine available to the general population, vaccine makers have produced two vaccines to prevent H1N1 infection. The nasal spray vaccine is a live virus that has been weakened so it doesn't cause disease in healthy people. The injectable vaccine contains an inactivated, or "dead," virus. The nasal spray vaccine can be used only in certain people: You must be between ages 2 and 49 and have no history of major health problems. The vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women. Remember to discuss these issues with your health-care provider.” That information was from www.washingtonpost.com. The Washington Post is a pretty reliable source so I would recommend it. Well, the people who have H1N1, I hope you look into these three things. Leave some comments and let me know how you feel about the suit, vaccine, and nasal spray.
Xoxo, Kyla Christine=)
Kyla! Lets get matching Swine flu suits!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMr. Fielder