Monday, February 22, 2010

My week=[...whatta mess!

This week started off alright but it ended terribly. Well, I was really psyched because I was going to the Bavarian Inn in Frankenmuth on Saturday with my family and my best friend Morgan Copperstone. It was amazing. I sang karaoke, I had the best food, I went swimming, and I dominated in Dance Dance Revolution in the “Fun Center.” I also saw Kassidy Belcher, another one of my best friends. We sadly had to leave on Tuesday. On Monday Morgan and I met two kids named Alex and Matt. They were so cool and really funny. We all had a good time together. I had to go home on Tuesday and that was a bummer. I went back to school on Wednesday sick and tired and not ready for anything. I wanted to dig myself a whole and just lie there forever. I had a dumb test in History that I totally failed and then Thursday I had a test in geometry. I also had no sleep this week and woke up from terrible dreams that didn’t make any sense whatsoever. Last week, we had stupid sewer problem in our basement so now we cannot go in our basement. It really sucks because our washer and dryer are down there and we can’t use it for a while. Then, I got myself grounded and even on my fifteenth birthday. I couldn’t wait for Friday to finally come even though I was grounded. My birthday is this upcoming Saturday. I was supposed to go out with my friends after my family party but I guess those plans are blown because I had to get in trouble over nothing. (I’m sorry to anyone who wanted to hangout on my birthday!) Anyway, the whole week went from amazing to horrible. I am definitely hopping that next week will be better. The only good news is I’m still keeping in touch with my new amazing friend from Frankenmuth. The last thing that made my week bad is having to do this blog and not having anything to really write about. (Sorry Fielder had to put it out there!) The other homework I have to do is much worse. Whatever, let’s focus on the positives, I’ll be fifteen tomorrow and I’ll get out of trouble some day. Until then, I’ll be grounded without a phone or be able to hang out. Leave a comment or text me sometime in March=]!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Volleyball is my ultimate favorite sport and one night when I was on my way to a game, my life had changed forever. I had just left my house and it was 4:00 and my game started at 4:45. I was feeling pretty down because of the fact that I didn’t do so hot at the practice from the day before. I totally hurt my ankle but I could still walk and my spike was terrible. It was just a bad volleyball day for me. I was extremely worried on how I would do for that days game or even if I got to play. The car ride was taking a awhile because we had gotten something to eat. For some odd reason, there was some weird sparkly thing in my to-go box. I didn’t pay much attention to it and I just ate my food. We finally arrived at the game and as I walked in I saw a massive banner that said “Kyla, you can do it!” Then I heard some music and it didn’t sound like something I would hear on the radio but it sounded like trumpets. I opened the door and a random man announced my arrival. Everyone stood up, clapped, and cheered. I couldn’t wait for the game to start. I went on the court to warm up and as I stood to get a ball, a small bug-like thing came up to me and touched my ankle and my right arm and hand. It was small, green, and glowing. It said “you’ll do fine.” I didn’t know what to say…I thought I was going crazy. The game finally started and I was thankfully playing. I was in the second line up and excited to get in the game. My time finally came to play and it was make it or break it. The ball came to me and I jumped to spike the ball. I felt like I was flying and my hand was like a hammer hitting a nail right on the head. I couldn’t believe it. This was the best I’d ever played and I didn’t want it to end. When the game was over there was a humungous cake that was just for me. I was in utter shock and I was extremely ecstatic. We obviously had won all three games and I was a star. People from every university I could think had come up to me asking if I had future plans to play at a certain college. I got a full-ride scholarship to any university in the state. I couldn’t believe what had happened. The game I had been terrified to play in had become the best game of my life.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Gay Rights and Roman Catholics

I disagree with Pope Benedict and the church on the subject of gay rights.

I feel that if you love someone then you should be able to be with them no matter what. I am a Christian Catholic so this totally goes against my religion. Yet, this is probably the only thing I disagree with that has to do with my religion. Pope Benedict made a comment at a speech in Rome in front of 34 Welsh and English bishops gathered in Rome. He said, “Your country is well-known for its firm commitment to equality of opportunity for all members of society.
“Yet, as you have rightly pointed out, the effect of some of the legislation designed to achieve this goal has been to impose unjust limitations on the freedom of religious communities to act in accordance with their beliefs.” Basically the Pope is saying we should live and love according to our beliefs. I can see where he is coming from but still, I disagree. Sometimes I feel that my religion can be a bit harsh and/or strict on how we should live our lives. I just think we need to be more open and be less judgmental as Catholics.