Watching the debate between the Hutus and the Tutsi was a great experience and I learned a lot. In my opinion everyone is to blame accept the Red Cross. Though being in the position of the RPF, the one I would blame would be the Interhamwe. I just have a really hard time understanding why they would go around slaughtering people.I think that the Tutsi were innocent though because they were only tying to fight back and protect themselves. There is no excuse for that because whether the Interhamwe were brain washed or not, people are people and they make their own decisions. Now, I am saying this as a member of the RPF and as taking a step back and saying it myself.
I learned through the debate that a discussion like this can open your eyes to other things and make you learn in a whole new way. I learned more about individual groups because I was the kid in the class who understood things the day before the debate. So, I really didn’t understand anything. I was greatly involved in the debate and felt proud of myself as well as Mr. Fielder. Things I didn’t know that I learned in the debate were; Belgium made the identity cards, the Interhamwe was brainwashed by Juvenal, I learned more about Paul Kagame and Romeo Delaire. Everything was just very helpful and I felt that that was the easiest way to learn. I hate learning through margin noting or just taking notes like we always do (no offense Mr. Fielder.) I just don’t remember anything or learn that way because nothing makes sense and it all comes so fast so nothing sinks in. So leave a comment and let me no whether you agree with me or not. I’d love to know what you think. Thanks!- Kyla Christine=)
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