Friday, January 22, 2010

semester reflection

This year has transformed me because of what I have learned. One thing that I have learned is that High School is not going to be an easy ride. You will be tested in all aspects. I have also learned that that Mr. Fielder’s English class was probably the hardest class to pass and it barely made any sense to me. In his class I learned a lot about other cultures such as the Africans. Rwanda for instance; I have never even heard of Rwanda until his class and when we got into the genocide and their past, it really opened my eyes and made me realize that I needed to start paying attention to other countries and cities and not just what’s around me because there is so much more to the world than what’s around me. The short stories such as “Dirk the Protector,” “Kaffir Boy,” and “Osiris and Isis” didn’t do much for me. I mean, they didn’t teach me much,
I think that the only thing that we learned that had to do with English is apostrophes and capitols. Well, that is my opinion. I really think that it was good for us to learn about places like Iran, China, Africa, and things such as that vs. learning about capitol letters and periods and commas. This class really made me think and look outside the box instead of “playing it safe.” The hardest thing for me that we learned about, or did I should say was either the weekly articles we got or the blogs. For the articles, I don’t feel that I pushed myself enough to understand them, and that’s what I needed to do.
I didn’t necessarily understand pathos or ethos. I had to use both in the letter from Paul to the U.N. One of the things I said that is an example of pathos was “Just imagine if you were in their place.” I sort of understood pathos and ethos more after writing that letter.
Q.V.C.I.’s were a pain in the butt. I could never think of questions that would start a discussion. I guess that is something that I will have to work on next semester. I am looking forward to next semester and all; the new things I will learn. My first experience of global ed. Was great and I can’t wait to see what’s to come.

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