Friday, April 30, 2010


I liked SIMUN overall. I had participated quite a bit and I much rather do SIMUN than have normal class. I feel that it was a big challenge and I could have done better and could have spoke way more and asked more questions but I am happy that I know what to look forward to next year. I was not as prepared as I could have been but then again I did not know the road that was ahead of me. My favorite part was when I got into the scenario and I knew what I was talking about and I’m pretty sure that was scenario 2 for the odd group. I was in group 15 and I liked pretty much everyone is my group. I was a little confused in the beginning on how the system worked but as time went on, I felt more comfortable in my place. I could tell that the sophomores, juniors, and seniors were well prepared and ready for anything. After doing SIMUN ’10, I know that I will be just as prepared as them. I know that I totally could have done more research and found out more things about Egypt and its history. I liked our chairman and legal counsel. They were very nice and helpful as well as the other upper classmen participating in SIMUN. I know that next year I will put more time and effort into my research and SIMUN itself next year. I know that as I was going into SIMUN I was so terrified and confused but for upcoming freshman, they need to know to not be nervous. Also, they should just go with the flow because it will really truly help. I helped me a lot! I did not like the SIMUN logs though. They were annoying, boring, and sort of pointless. I do not recommend them for next year at all. I also think that for next year SIMUN should go on for a full week and we should not have to dress up. I also feel that we should not have to grade ourselves but we should have a teacher supervise each group and grade us themselves. Other than that, I loved SIMUN! Oh and the funny thing is, I was so nervous about it that I had a dream I failed because I did not speak enough. But, I’m pretty sure I did fine. Like I said, there was nothing to be nervous about because it ended up to be the best experience in global education out of the whole year. GO GLOBIES AND SIMUN!!!

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